Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mobile Thing #1: Creating A Blog (and What I Hope to Get Out of This Program)

I created a blogger blog several years ago- the process, I discovered, is quite easy. But just because something is easy doesn't make it motivating. I posted to that blog a total of 1 time. Writing isn't a favorite task, and I spend so much time at a computer that blogging just didn't hold a lot of appeal.

Joining 23 Mobile Things is one way to push myself to explore areas (skills, technologies, etc.) related to career- like blogging- that I might otherwise ignore due to lack of intrinsic enthusiasm. I'm sure I will find things that I love and I'm enthused about, and hope to find a level of appreciation for other things that I have previously not heard of or ignored as "a great (tool, technique, app, program, etc.) but just not something I'm interested in".

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